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Welcome to Blindly Falling, my fanlistings collective.

Current Listings: 41 (0 Upcoming, 0 Pending )
Joined Listings: 229 Listings
Overall Member Count: 12541 (7 Pending )
Newest Fanlisting: Harry Potter: All Characters »

October 23, 2014

The lovely Hakka let me adopt Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home from her and it is now up and running! Go check it out!

| Robin | 11:00am |
October 14, 2014

Opened a new fanlisting yesterday. It's for The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Members and affiliates welcome! Go check it out!

| Robin | 8:58am |
August 9, 2014

Opened 2 new listings the other day. Spaceballs and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Go join!

| Robin | 12:56pm |
August 3, 2014

The dvd screen caps for Superman Returns are finally up. Go check them out!

| Robin | 9:58pm |
July 16, 2014

The Dirty Dancing soundtrack fanlisting is up and running! Please go join cause it's one of the best soundtracks ever!

| Robin | 8:48pm |
July 11, 2014

After about 5 years, the Naked Men Fanlisting has a new layout. Go check it out!

| Robin | 8:35pm |
June 27, 2014

Got approved to run the Monsters, Inc. (my fave Pixar film) fanlisting last night and already have it up and running! lol. So please go join! Boo! - The Monsters, Inc. fanlisting. Affiliates welcome as well. I'm not that picky about them either.

| Robin | 8:53pm |

(3) Latest and Random Joined:
IT Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower Twilight: Carlisle Cullen Colors: Grey Savage Garden 98 Degrees
All fanlistings copyrighted by Blindly Falling Productions
© 2002-2025

All fanlistings owned and/or maintained by Robin.