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Welcome to Uncut, a fanlisting for uncircumcised, or uncut, penises.

This is by far, not a site to give opinions/lectures on why circumcision is good or bad. It's merely just a fanlisting for a particular type of penis. So if you're a fan of the "natural" form of the penis, then look around, and join the list.

Created: January 13, 2005
Updated: December 19, 2024
Members: 2182
Pending: 1
Part of: thefanlistings.org
Powered by: Listing Admin

Note: This is a fanlisting. If you are unware of what exactly a fanlisting is, please visit thefanlistings.org for more information.

THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. If you have a question pertaining to yourself (or someone else) down there, then please ask your doctor, not me. I will not respond to you.

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